01 / 07 / 2014

2014 - Ottagono: to protect and display

How did your collaboration begin?
Giacomo Bersanetti. Angelo had been ‘monitoring’ our designing for years: I offered my services and he wrote me a letter explaining why our relationship would not be starting straightaway.
Angelo Gaja. lt was important to get in tune with each other, to create a harmony that had to be built on a knowledge of the company history and how it behaves on the market, of its aims in communication. This takes time and matures slowly.

What has struck you most about Angelo/Giacomo?
G.B. His extraordinary intuitive capacity, clarity and intellectual rigour.
A.G. The intellectual dimension, taste, vivacity and instinct.

Brief definition of packaging.
G.B. The meeting point of person and object, between consumer and product. Forms speak to our eyes, our memories, our emotions; design creates universal keys of communication.
A.G. Identity that the company conveys through the graphics.

Gaja fagiani

How does it change to fit the product?
G.B. It changes with the company, territory, typology,
sector, period, positioning, target ...and the product.
A.G. There isn’t enough space to reply!

The detail you pay most attention to.
G.B. Coherence with the producer/company philosophy.
A.G. Sobriety, cleanliness, elegance.

The most difficult part of the job.
G.B. Managing to do it!
A.G. Not squandering, representing the soul of the company with continuity.

Gaja camarcanda

The next project.

G.B. A publishing project.
A.G. I have many in mind but I want to think carefully and avoid being driven by haste.

Angelo/Giacomo in one word.
G.B. Total. As gifted and restless an artist as Michelangelo.
A.G. I call him my private Einstein.

Your bond in a word.
G.B. Authenticity.
A.G. One word isn’t enough. The awareness of having built a relationship that Is based on esteem, community of thought and mutual respect.

Gaja secondary packaging

Tag Interview, Packaging, Press